Our AI Image Models

Musho offers a range of AI image models, each with unique capabilities to enhance your landing pages. Whether you're looking for detailed realism, artistic flair, or a specific style, our models cater to your needs.


Lummi provides a wide selection of AI-generated photographs, perfect for adding realistic and varied imagery to your designs. From natural landscapes to urban architecture, Lummi covers an extensive range of themes.

You can also download and use images directly from Lummi.ai, or download the Lummi plugin for Figma.


DALL·E 3 is renowned for its ability to translate imaginative prompts into visually striking images and illustrations. It's particularly suited for landing pages that require a high degree of creativity and abstract thinking. Generally, it’ll require more descriptive and imaginative prompts to produce the best results.

SDXL (Stable Diffusion XL)

Stable Diffusion is designed to create more detailed and realistic images. It's particularly effective for generating clear, focused visuals based on specific prompts. This model tends to perform better with clear, detailed prompts that outline specific elements or features desired in the final image.


Get ready to explore a world of creativity with our latest integration into Musho! We've integrated Blush, the fantastic platform filled with customizable illustrations, directly into Musho. Now, you can easily search for and use images from various Blush categories right within Musho.

Selecting Your Preferred AI Image Model

To learn how to choose and utilize these AI image models in Musho for your design projects, visit our detailed guide on advanced image editing.

Last updated